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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Penjaga kunci Gunung Merapi ditemui mati dalam keadaan sujud

27/10/2010 11:47am

MAYAT dipercayai penjaga kunci Gunung Merapi, Mbah Maridjan ditemui mati di dalam rumahnya di kaki gunug berapi tersebut di Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. - UTUSAN

YOGYAKARTA 27 Okt. - Penjaga kunci Gunung Merapi, Mbah Maridjan dipercayai ditemui mati di dalam rumahnya di kaki gunung berapi itu dekat sini dalam keadaan sujud.

Jenazah itu ditemui keadaan sujud dan mengadap kiblat dan kini ditempatkan di Hospital Sandjito.

Doktor hospital berkenaan, Kresno Heru Nugroho berkata, ciri-ciri fizikal mayat itu sama dengan Mbah Maridjan.

Pakaiannya juga, kata beliau adalah sama dengan yang diberi gambaran oleh keluarga warga emas itu.

Bagaimanapun jelas doktor berkenaan pengesahan hanya dapat dibuat apabila selesai ujian DNA.

Masyarakat Jawa mempercayai jurukunci merupakan orang perantaraan roh gunung berapi dengan masyarakat. - Utusan

ARKIB : 19/05/2006

Kehebatan Maridjan meramal Merapi

GUNUNG MERAPI 18 Mei - Hampir empat minggu telah berlalu sejak banyak pihak mula meramalkan letupan Gunung Berapi Merapi.

Namun di sebalik semua ramalan tersebut, hanya seorang lelaki yang mampu meramalkan dengan tepat keadaan Merapi.

Beliau melakukannya tanpa bantuan saintifik melainkan bergantung kepada naluri dan hubungan ghaib selama bertahun-tahun dengan gunung berapi tersebut.

Beliau ialah Mbah Maridjan, 79, (gambar) yang dilantik oleh mendiang pemerintah Wilayah Khas Yogjakarta, Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX sebagai Penjaga Gunung Merapi pada 1983 berikutan kematian bapanya yang menjadi penjaga sebelum itu.

Maridjan telah menjadi perhatian kerana keyakinan yang disuarakannya bahawa “Merapi masih belum mahu meletup.”

Beliau dipetik sebagai berkata, sebagai gunung berapi yang aktif ia adalah normal untuk berderam pada ketika tertentu dan mengeluarkan abu panas dan gas yang dikenali sebagai ‘wedhus gembel’ atau kambing yang berjurai.

Maridjan dipetik akhbar tempatan sebagai berkata, beliau tidak akan meninggalkan kawasan pergunungan itu kerana sebagai penjaga tidak boleh dilihat sebagai pengecut atau menyelamatkan diri sendiri ketika keselamatan penduduk sepatutnya menjadi keutamaannya.

Sementara itu, beribu-ribu penduduk yang bosan tinggal dalam khemah-khemah yang sesak, yang disifatkan sebagai ‘penjara’, pulang ke kampung mereka di lereng Merapi tanpa mempedulikan amaran ia masih berbahaya.

Merapi tenang semula hari ini selepas mengeluarkan debu dan gas panas semalam.

– Agensi

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Camping Safety

Here are some helpful tips and information so that you will be well prepared for your camping trip.

  1. Plan your trip so that you arrive at your actual campsite with enough daylight left to check over the entire campsite and to set-up camp.
  2. Be sure to check the site thoroughly for glass, sharp objects, branches that could fall or are hung low.
  3. Check the contour of the land and look for potential trouble due to rain. Check for areas that could flood or become extremely muddy and cause problems.
  4. Look for level with enough room to spread out all your camping gear.
  5. Look for a site that has trees or shrubs on the side of the prevailing winds. This will help block the wind if it should gust or get quite strong.
  6. Check for potential hazards at the campsite such as: poison ivy, bees, ants, sharp objects and other dangerous areas.
  7. Fire is of prime concern at the campsite. Be sure you have an area for a fire that cannot spread laterally or vertically. When ever a fire is lit at the campsite be sure that someone is assigned to watch it at all times. Keep water nearby for emergencies. Be sure that when you put the fire out you use water and soil and be certain that the fire is completely out, cool to the touch. Embers buried within the pile of ashes have a tendency to reignite later.
  8. Keep your campsite fires to an absolute minimum at all times.
  9. Dispose of all trash properly in the proper recycling bins if available.
  10. Return the campsite to its original condition for the next camper if you disturb it in any way.
  11. Don't forget your good recycling habits on vacation. They are just as important camping as they are at home.
  12. RV campers should be extremely careful to travel on proper roads within the site so as not to get stuck. Not all roads within the site are made for an R.V.
  13. Check your R.V. before leaving home, on route, at the campsite upon arrival and before departure for any damage, repairs or maintenance problems.
  14. Make sure everyone in the R.V. is using seat belts whenever possible. That includes passengers as well.
  15. Your holding tanks should be using non-toxic chemicals at all times.

*RV-Rescue Volunteer


Safety Outdoors

  1. Keep first aid supplies and emergency telephone numbers accessible at all times.
  2. Know where the nearest telephone or ranger station is located and if possible, carry a cell phone.
  3. Dress children in several layers of clothing. The inner layer should be a breathable, synthetic material that pulls moisture from the skin.
  4. Remember, a child’s body temperature changes faster than adults.
  5. Check the weather forecast before you leave.
  6. Pack essentials, such as flashlights, extra food, water, and rain gear in case of bad weather.
  7. Make sure sleeping bags are clean, warm and dry.
  8. Inform others where you are camping and when you’ll return.
  9. Teach kids these skills and how to be safe and responsible in the outdoors.